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GFI Digital is a full service provider of office print systems and information technology services. For over 25

Years, GFI Digital has been a strategic partner for customers seeking support for their commercial copiers and

printers, managed print services, and advanced technology services, including managed network services.


Managed Print Services, often referred to as “MPS” is a

comprehensive and proactive approach to managing your

organization’s printing devices, including printers, copiers, fax

machines, and multifunction devices.

GFI Digital can provide an efficient, one-vendor solution for

service, supplies, and usage volume reporting for your most

common machines. You can achieve increased productivity and

reduce the expense of print services by discovering the true total

cost of ownership. Our analysts provide ongoing assessments

and reporting of printer utilization for optimal cost efficiency.



GFI Digital’s Managed Print Services (MPS) is an end-to-end solution which provides everything a company

needs to control output costs for all their printing. We are a one-vendor solution for service, supplies, and

usage volume reporting for all your office printers. Digital Print IT is included in your monthly service contracts so you can rest assured your office technology will work as intended when needed.  

  • Optimize your current infrastructure with a single vendor for service, supplies, and usage volume reporting for your printers.

  • You will achieve increased productivity, reduced downtime, waste elimination, and expense reduction of print services by discovering the true total cost of ownership with ongoing assessments of printer utilization provided by our analysts.

  • GFI Digital utilizes FM Audit (data collection software) to analyze, assess, and monitor the health of your printer. With FM Audit we can obtain meter readings automatically for accurate billings and monitoring printer supply levels. We can detect when your printer is running low on ink or toner and proactively send required the required supplies to keep you up and running.

  • We conduct Quarterly Business Reviews to provide a comprehensive overview of your printer fleet. In these reviews, we delve into monthly volumes and expenses, identifying areas where optimization is possible. We also address any issues that may arise, review your corporate growth goals, give recommendations, and much more. These reviews ensure your printing services align seamlessly with your business objectives!

  • Manage your print environment.

  • Streamline your workflow.


  • GFI Digital performs an initial output assessment which

       provides actionable data points to help clarify your current

       situation while providing recommendations for improvement.


  • Part of the print service assessment is the redeployment or

       acquisition of hardware. This process ensures you have the right

       printing equipment to meet your needs today and in the future.

  • In addition to providing the hardware and production metrics, our

       team of print specialists can provide supplies and services that match

       your production needs with pay-per-use analysis of your current print needs.


  • Our team of analysts collect and decipher production data month over month to provide better ongoing assessment of the program, and calibrate as needed  to meet your exact production requirements.


     GFI Digital has three main goals as the preferred Managed Print Service provider for your business:

  • Optimize your current infrastructure

  • Manage your environment

  • Streamline your workflow

       Our straightforward approach to achieving

       these goals and helping you take control of

       your print services are outlined below.



GFI Digital’s Managed Print Services (MPS) is an end-to-end solution which provides everything a company needs to control output costs for all their printing. Our team of specialists do a great job managing partnerships with leading equipment manufacturers to ensure we understand the specific machines in your environment, allowing GFI Digital to provide the best print and copy support in the industry! Commercial printer service, printer support, and Digital print IT are just a few benefits that come with you office printer contract with GFI Digital. 


Understanding your application and business environment help us ensure your print and copy needs are well managed for any application or project you throw at them today and in the future. When we perform our system analysis we will determine if the existing equipment matches your needs and support the equipment that is currently being utilized. As your needs change or existing equipment terms, we can spec new machines that can easily support your Managed Print Services Program without interruption to your day-to-day workflow. Managed Print Services from GFI Digital are great for customers looking for commercial printer service, ongoing printer support, commercial printer repair, remote printer support, and more!


Managed Print Services (MPS) from GFI Digital is a great service for a number of industries, including but not limited to education, healthcare, finance, legal, government, accounting, retail, hospitality, corporate, entertainment, technology, and commercial operations. Use the form below to contact us today and see how much you can save with managed print services from GFI Digital. Contact us today to learn more about office printer contracts that help keep your office technology running smoothly today and in the future. 

how it works logo
printer and copier

Contact GFI Digital Today to Learn More About Managed Print Services!

sharp print and copy solution services

Looking for new office equipment to meet your changing needs? GFI Digital is an authorized dealer of both

Sharp and Ricoh multifunction printers and office equipment to help meet all your copy and print needs in both monochrome (black and white) and color. Click HERE to learn more about our Copy and Print offerings.

sharp print copier
sharp print copier
sharp print copier

GFI Digital is an authorized dealer of both Sharp and Ricoh office equipment. Partnering with these industry-leading manufacturers allows us to offer our customers the very best options in terms of copiers, printers, multifunction printers, and managed print services for monochrome and color applications.

Use the form above to contact us today to request information on a specific model, or to learn more about how we’re helping customers develop a more economical and efficient approach to all their corporate printing and copying needs.

ricoh print and copy solution services
rioch office
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