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Save Yourself Time and Paper-Cuts

GFI Digital

RICOH Internal Multi-Folding Unit

The ability to keep some print-jobs in house is a great advantage and a money-saver, but it really seems worth it when it saves you time. Many companies use printed materials beyond the single-sided flyer to stand out and convey important information.

Folded brochures not only stand out, they display information in a way that is more organized and easier to read.

Did you know there are multi-function printers (MFPs) that have the ability to fold printed materials, such as brochures, for you?

Without a folding unit on your MFP, you’ll be stuck spending hours folding each individual page by hand.

These machines provide the accuracy and speed in folding you just can’t get when doing it by hand. And, there are much better uses of your time!

Ricoh offers an Internal Multi-Folding Unit option on certain models that allows customers to create professional-looking output with four paper-folding pattern options, without adding to the MFP’s footprint.

Many offices do not have the need or the space for a large and complicated production machine, but want finishing options like folding and stapling. With the Internal Multi-Folding Unit, you still have your regular-sized copier, but it does so much more. Additionally, the multi-folding unit can be installed with or without a finisher.

This compact and space-saving internal option is ideal for retail, real estate, and any companies that want to create flyers, leaflets, bulletins, and other marketing documents in-house.

This accessory allows for the creation of professionally designed finished documents such as newsletters, brochures, and sales and marketing materials.

Contact Us to find out the MFP Model that is right for you!


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